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Coping with Pain Through Acceptance

Coping with Pain Through Acceptance

As a psychotherapist specializing in clients coping with chronic pain, I was fortunate to work with an inspirational client named Debbie. Debbie’s journey with chronic pain started fifteen years ago. This was not a path she chose nor is it an...

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The Doctor’s TV show

The Doctor’s TV show

National TV is finally taking pelvic pain seriously in the recent segment on the The Doctors’ program on Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome. Anyone who suffers from PBS can refer to this informative piece when seeking help form a...

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Making the Shift

Making the Shift

This was written by a very inspiring woman who has learned to handle life’s challenges with fortitude and grace. I found it very incredibly helpful and wanted to share this with others. (Nancy) Making the Shift “You’ve changed”. This was a...

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The Gender Gap in Pain

The Gender Gap in Pain

The article in the March 17th edition of the New York Times entitled, The Gender Gap in Pain, by Laurie Edwards, discusses how women’s pain issues are so often attributed to emotional and not physical causes. She writes, “An estimated 25...

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Re-reading Tuesdays with Morrie

Re-reading Tuesdays with Morrie

I am always seeking inspirational sources to help my clients remain on their courageous path to seek and follow treatments for their life-altering emotional and physical pain. I recently re-read an inspirational book by Mitch Albom, Tuesdays...

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“Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.”

-David Richo